Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Veterans suicides & Mr. Kenney should be Investigated!

Hurting your feelings Mr. Obey means nothing compared to 18 Veterans who are committing suicide per day, and 6 of them commit suicide each day while under VA care.

March 11, 2010

Carl G. Mueller, Nam 68, Phone 909-866-9310
PO Box 120707
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

Rep. David Obey Chairman House Committee on Appropriations
401 5th Street, Suite 406-A
Wausau, Wisconsin 54403
Phone: (715) 842-5606, Fax: (715) 842-4488

Dear Rep. Obey:

House Hearing on Veterans Administration FY 2011 Budget (March 4, 2010) ... Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki testified on proposed fiscal year 2011
How is the money being spent and Mr. Kenney should be investigated?

It appeared to me, how the VA money is spent, lacked detailed type questions. Appeared to me asking questions about the details was unthinkable because the questioners like you Mr. Obey had no details to ask such questions.

*Beth Daley, Director of Investigations should have notified you and others about my Shinseki Feb. 4 letter and my money wasting and money spending ideas to possibly prevent some of our Veteran suicides. See Money… page 2 of the Feb. 4th letter at.

The fact that Mr. Kenney, who is in Charge of VA mental health refused to appear showed your uselessness, Mr Obey. Mr. Kenney should be investigated to see who might be held accountable for 18 Veterans who are committing suicide per day, and 6 of them commit suicide each day while under VA care.

Please answer this letter.

Carl G. Mueller, Nam 68

President Barack Obama, The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, D.C 20500

Veterans Administration Secretary Eric Shinseki ….. Feb 4th letter
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20420

Mr. Eddy W. Hartenstein, CEO
L.A. Times
202 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

*Beth Daley, Director of Investigations ..... “Silence like a cancer grows”
Project on government oversight
1100 G. Street NW Suite 900
Washington, DC 20005-3806